10 Reasons Why You Failed Last Semester & Why You Might Fail Again!

In the higher institutions, CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is used to access the performance of a student during or after his/her programmer. It is calculated using Grade points Eg:
10 Reasons Why You Failed Last Semester & Why You Might Fail Again!
A-70% and above
C-(50-59)%,etc by some schools.
After each semester, a certain value for a student’s GPA is determined. Then,an average of both semesters i.e 1st and 2nd is known as the CGPA for that academic year. Also, subsequent CGPAs are gotten throughout the course of the tertiary programmer. The total sum of the CGPAs is divided by the number of years he/she spent in the school.This average value determines the type of result you would graduate with;First class,Second class upper division, Second class lower division, Third class, etc.LOL! Here are the top reasons why your last GPA/CGPA was not as expected, and how you can improve on it.
1)Understand/Find Out Why You Failed: This is the first step to solving any problem;Understanding it.Here,your problem is having a poor academic performance. When I had such yawa,I paused a while,to know how it all went wrong.A FOOL IS A PERSON WHO IS SO FOOLISH TO KNOW THAT HE IS A FOOL.
2)Avoid Missing Lectures: This is a vital point since it involves you and the lecturer himself. You do not have to miss lectures, unless for reasons best known to you which commands much attention than lectures. Missing lectures exposes you to:
~Danger of missing Impromptu Tests
~Missing Attendance list,marks may be awarded for this.
~Missing the more detailed explanations by the lecturer.
~Missing Questions and answer section between the students and the lecturer.
~Other information about upcoming stuffs.
Ensure to update your notes,and find someone who was present on that
day to tutor you on topics taught!.
3)Talk To Your Academic Adviser: Your academic adviser has been in your department, from when he/she was a student to now,he is occupying this position. He knows the target GPA requirements for an average student in your department. They can help you in analyzing your performance each semester. They can also help in the aspect of a failed course exam retaking,etc.They’re also a source of  inspiration.
4)Have An Effective Study Time-Table: Whether on a weekend or weekday;You have to be a diligent student,always finding time to read and study.A poor performance does not worthwhile because your sponsors have pumped in thousands of Naira,for you to acquire higher education.Allocate time for each course;less hours for lesser credit unit courses and extra hours for higher ones. Best way,try to read for at least 2 to 3hrs each day/night.
5)Take Afternoon Naps: Studies has proven that students with higher IQ,do take a 30min to 1hr daytime sleep.You can choose the one that suits you.
Oversleeping results to stress and fatigue.
Daytime sleeps tend to refresh your thinking faculty for a later task,also equips you with new ideas.
6)Take Notes By Hand: High CGPA students often take notes,whilst a lecture is going on.Taking notes forces you to pay attention,this aids memorization. If you take notes,you will find the course easy to study at a later time. A PEN IS POWERFUL THAN A THOUSAND WORDS!
7)Find Company In High flyers: As the saying goes,Iron sharpen Iron.What if you are an Olodo,and your best paddy for school na ode?? LOL!! Walking with brilliant students will facilitate healthier discussions. You will have the opportunity to:
~Solve your problems with them.
~Use them as your advisers.
~Have also a high GPA ,since they are high GPA conscious.
~Discover some of their secrets and make use of them.
Don’t make close friends with someone whose GPA is something closer to yours.
8)Do It Your Own Way: John might study for 1-2hrs before he grabs something,while you need like 4-5hrs. Don’t blame yourself for that! To avoid frustration and a disastrous decline in your overall performance,you should employ your own method.
For instance:
~Read in the day or night; As for me,I prefer Nighttime, I tend to understand better and there is less noise and of course distractions. Accept advice,but resort to the method that best suits your learning style.
9)Attend Tutorials: There is this easiness and swiftness in  grabbing what the lecturer has taught previously in a tutorial class.This is because most of the tutors though some are not students,tend to have a clearer  understanding of that topic.Also,they have time to explain it for you.You may need to enroll for extra classes and tutorials,If you find it hard understanding on ya own.
10)Study On time: Avoid PROCRASTINATION, make use of the above tips;and begin study on time. Adequate use of School Library is advised,if you find your abode not conducive. Avoid crash programmers,it would wear out;You tend to cram and forget
what you learnt right after the exam or tests. Monitor your progress on a weekly basis. Employ different methods other than the ones above. Set up a goal list,and see that you achieve them. Reward yourself with something that you really want after you make the
4.30,4.12,3.70 GPAs cut etc.


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